Third TV interview with Sherry Torkos in Phoenix on Meganatural BP.
Author Archive | polyphenolics
MegaNatural<sup>®</sup>-BP Featured on KAZT in Phoenix
MegaNatural®-BP Featured on KAZT in Phoenix, AZ.
Sherry Torkos talks about MegaNatural<sup>®</sup>-BP- ABC TV
Sherry Torkos talks about MegaNatural®-BP on ABC TV in Phoenix, AZ.
Sherry Torkos talks about MegaNatural®-BP- ABCTV
Serry Torkos discusssed stress and blood pressure managment on ABCTV.
Bob Kowalski's Healthy Heart Shopping List Item: Lowering Blood Pressure with Grape Seed Extract
Kowalski, author of The Blood Pressure Cure, walks down supermarket aisles and explores health food stores and online shelves for the tastiest heart-healthy foods and the most effective cholesterol- and blood pressure-lowering supplements. For many years I’ve extolled the virtues…