Knowing your health numbers is a good first step to improving your health. From your ideal body mass index to your resting blood pressure and cholesterol levels, these measures can help you monitor your risk factors and help you take…

Knowing your health numbers is a good first step to improving your health. From your ideal body mass index to your resting blood pressure and cholesterol levels, these measures can help you monitor your risk factors and help you take…
Myth #1: Heart disease is more common and deadly in men. Fact: Heart disease is actually the number one killer of women. Women often delay getting treatment and even when they do go to the hospital they are more likely…
While moderate exercise (about 2.5 hours a week) can help to lower your blood pressure by enabling your heart to use oxygen more efficiently, the American Council on Exercise (ACE) warns that over-training can lead to increases in your resting…
You might not think that snoring is potentially serious, but here is a good reason why you should see your doctor if your snoring is loud, or if your snoring is punctuated by periods of silence. You might have a…
Dark chocolate shares something in common with grapes: it contains resveratrol and flavonoids that may help to protect your heart. One square of dark chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa content may be a delicious and natural way to…
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