Sherry Torkos talks about MegaNatural®-BP on ABC TV in Phoenix, AZ.
Archive | Professional Blogs
Sherry Torkos talks about MegaNatural®-BP- ABCTV
Serry Torkos discusssed stress and blood pressure managment on ABCTV.

Bob Kowalski's Healthy Heart Shopping List Item: Lowering Blood Pressure with Grape Seed Extract
Kowalski, author of The Blood Pressure Cure, walks down supermarket aisles and explores health food stores and online shelves for the tastiest heart-healthy foods and the most effective cholesterol- and blood pressure-lowering supplements. For many years I’ve extolled the virtues…

Number 4: Lower Blood Pressure with Grape Seeds
Grape seed extract was mentioned in Woman’s World May issue: 6-Ways to Prevent Metabolic Syndrome Take 150 mg. to 300 mg a day of grape seed extract for one month dropped women’s systolic pressure (the top number) by about 12 points…
Exciting news about Polyphenolics
From ongoing research on metabolic syndrome to its antioxidant track sponsorship at Nutracon 2010, this company is serious about addressing one of this country’s most common health concerns. There’s exciting news about how a powerful antioxidant – grape seed extract…