Polyphenolics expresses our gratitude and thanks

November 15th 2017
CATEGORIES: Company News, Featured, News, Professional Blogs
Give thanks

Polyphenolics expresses our gratitude and thanks

Letter from the President

As Thanksgiving approaches, all of us at Polyphenolics extend our sincere gratitude to you, our customers. We are truly thankful for your loyalty throughout the year. Your commitment to integrity and transparency inspires us. Our conversations with you during SupplySide West and other industry events energize us. We are proud to supply you with traceable, transparent and trusted ingredients that deliver on promise.

Thank you for trusting us with your business.

James A. Kennedy, Ph.D.
President, Polyphenolics

Please take care of your heart over the holidays

It’s no secret that heart attacks spike during the holiday season.1 Changes in your normal eating and drinking habits may put your heart at greater risk, as can the stress of frenzied holiday shopping.

This year, we invite you to join us as we ‘health up’ our holidays:

  • Squeeze in daily fitness, even if it’s in 10-minute intervals. Taking the stairs counts! MegaNatural®-BP and MegaNatural®-Gold are natural options to include when considering supplements as part of your sports nutrition program.2
  • Eat slowly. Give your belly a chance to send the message to your brain that you are full.
  • Schedule time for yourself each day, even if it is only a half hour to recharge your batteries and do something you enjoy.
  • Know your blood pressure numbers to help support your healthy heart. MegaNatural®-BP may help keep your numbers in balance.3-7
  • Stay informed about advances in dietary supplement options. Read this recent article based on an interview of Polyphenolics’ President, James Kennedy as he shares how Polyphenolics realized their objective to capture the health benefits of red wine in a dietary supplement.

We’re here to help

How can we take some of the pressure off you over the next two months? Let us know if you have special shipping needs or other special requests.

From our entire Polyphenolics family, we wish you a happy and heart-healthy Thanksgiving.


  1. https://news.heart.org/avoiding-deadly-holiday-heart-attacks/
  2. http://d.polyphenolics.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Polyphenolics-SN-White-Paper.pdf
  3. http://d.polyphenolics.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/3-MegaNatural-BP-Brochure.pdf
  4. Sivaprakasapillai B, Edirisinghe I, Randolph J, Steinberg F, Kappagoda T. Effect of grape seed extract on blood pressure in subjects with the metabolic syndrome. Metabolism. 2009; 58: 1743-1746.
  5. Robinson M, Lu B, Edirisinghe I, Kappagoda CT. Effect of grape seed extract on blood pressure subjects with pre-hypertension. J. Pharm. Nutri. Sci. 2012; 155-159.
  6. Park E, Edirisinghe I, Choy YY, Waterhouse A, Burton-Freeman B. Effects of grape seed extract beverage on blood pressure and metabolic indices in individuals with pre-hypertension: a randomised, double-blinded, two-arm, parallel, placebo-controlled trial. Brit. J. Nutr. 2016; 115: 226-38.
  7. http://d.polyphenolics.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/BP-AWARENESS-01-17.pdf?