Our Products

MegaNatural® – BP
MegaNatural®-BP is the only grape seed extract clinically shown to support healthy hearts
Manufactured exclusively by Polyphenolics, a division of California Natural Color and E. & J Gallo – the world’s leading premium wine company – MegaNatural®-BP is a patented grape seed extract with clinically shown health benefits. Along with a healthy diet, regular exercise and achieving a desirable weight, MegaNatural®-BP can help to support blood pressure within normal range.
- Non-toxic, Non-clastogenic (won’t cause chromosome damage)
- GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe)
- Free of side effects
- Relentlessly tested to ensure purity and safety
- Highly consistent polyphenol content
- Hot water extracted
- Long safety history
- Patented

MegaNatural®-Gold is a high-quality grape seed extract that is a powerful antioxidant.
- Potent antioxidant
- Helps to reduce oxygen stress
- Free of side effects
- Relentlessly tested to ensure purity and safety
- Highly consistent polyphenol content
- Hot water extracted
- Long safety history
- Patented